
U.S. jobless rate

WASHINGTON (Reuters) The U.S. unemployment rate rose to a 25-year high of 8.1 percent in February as employers, buckling under the strain of a severe recession, axed 651,000 jobs, government data showed on Friday. reference http://jp.reute…

Free land

Austrian village offers free land to boost population A village in northern Austria, worried by its dwindling population, is offering free land to all who pledge to start a family in a decade. Plots of 800 and 900 square metres are up for …


スワンナプーム国際空港とバンコク都内を結ぶ鉄道空港線 「エアポートリンク(Suvarnabhumi Airport Line Link)」 全長28.5km 12月5日(プミポン国王誕生日)開業予定 開業から1―3カ月は無料で運行し、2010年前半に運賃の徴収を始める見通し…