
Caribou—such as this large-antlered specimen silhouetted
by Alaska's northern lights—are being affected
as global warming accelerates in the Arctic.
In Greenland, caribou time their births to coincide
with the blooming of tundra vegetation.
But as climate change causes plants to peak earlier,
caribou newborns that eat the plants face tougher odds for survival.

caribou  ツンドラトナカイ
antlered  枝角のある
specimen  sampleとほぼ同義だが、そのグループの代表となるものを指す
affect  (人)の心を動かす、(人)の感情をかき立てる
accelerate  速度を増す、加速する
the Arctic  北極圏
bloom  花、開花、花盛り
vegetation  植物
coincide   同時(期)に起こる
